Windows Small Business Server 2008 shutdown 180days
I'm trying to Fix a problem on a Sbs 2008, original and activated license but there are License error, 38 and 4 that cause shutdown every 180days.
I'd like to use that "trick"
Sergio Martinez talk about McAffee but i have a question, can i follow theese steps?
- [size=3]Get ownership of c:\windows\system32\silsvc.exe[/size]
- [size=3]Grant admin full access[/size]
- [size=3]Remove (deny) access for SYSTEM and Everybody[/size]
- [size=3]Restart the server[/size]
- [size=3]Set service start to disabled[/size]
[size=4][color=#555555][font=arial,helvetica,tahoma,sans-serif]I haven't McAffee on this SBS, i want to change this Server but i can do this on december/january and i can't stop Production.
Maybe works if i Stop this service?
Thank you and have a nice day[/font][/color][/size]
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this is a "trick" that do this:
silsvc.exe is the service that count the 180 days to shutdown the SBS, with McFee I could put this service disable when SBS is restarting. Because you (administrator user) can´t disable this service.
You can try other antivirus that you can use "disable programs or files in the start of the S.O" . I put silsvc.exe and and when I restarted the SBS this service don´t run (it´s disable) and now the server don´t have shutdowns.
Thank you Sergio.
Maybe i can do this manually following previous steps Or just by an antivirus like McFee ?
I don't know if Autoruns do that
Mmmmm good app 9overflow
I think you will can disable this service with this app... tell us if you can finally with this.. If you can´t disble it. Think download mcafee (free trial one month) and If you can disable you can pay for solve this problem.
But I think you can solve with the app that you push in the link.
Nop, i tried, Autoruns don't do this.
I followed this:
I got ownership for file silsvc.exe , i renamed to "silsvc.exe.old", then i killed silsvc.exe process
Good!! this is other solution for the same problem. The important is you can solve this silly restart. The most important thing is disable silsvc.exe service for don´t run when you initiate SBS Windows Server.
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